Monday, May 11, 2009


apparently spring 09 is all about the bang bang bang ; their coming back [again]

i'm actually cutting my hair & getting these type of bangs i think they loook GREAT!
will you get this look for the summer time?


Rai said...

Love Kim's more.

Dana Yoshimizu said...

I wish I could pull off bangs like this, but I couldn't.
Even if I could though, I don't think I'd get them for summer because it'd get pretty hot and I'd probably want them out of my face.

Cristina. said...

im way 2 scared to cut my hair like that but i think i ma buy the bang extentions!! hehe :]

Sarah said...

Oh I love bangs too! I have gotten them before but they never suit me! But you have such a gorgeous face they will surely look amazing!!! Aw, I bet you could create an amazing look for my contest, I'm thinking about giving every entry a little something so you should enter if only for the fun of it :)

- deleted - said...

i prefer kim`s look more!
i`m majoring in computer science. =]
and sure i can add you - whats ur email?

R.C. said...

Bangs look great, but damn they are high maintenance!!! You really have to be prepared to spend time on them!